
Rice inflation highest in 15 years, shows gov’t failing to manage inflation — IBON

March 5, 2024

The uptick in February headline inflation, pushed by the rapid increase in rice prices, shows that the Marcos administration’s so-called measures to tame inflation are not working.

Inflation slower but not for the poor – IBON

January 5, 2024

Though overall December 2023 inflation slowed, this was not the case for the bottom 30% income households. This shows the current administration’s anti-inflation measures focused on import liberalization did little to protect poor Filipinos burdened more with high prices.

Falling real wages, more expensive food (as of October 2023)

November 7, 2023

Inflation reportedly eased in October 2023, but Filipinos’ wages and incomes still have not been keeping up with the price increases.

Falling real wages, more expensive food (as of September 2023)

October 10, 2023

Recent oil price rollbacks barely offset the several weeks of hikes. Should government be proactive and carry out the removal of fuel excise taxes, Filipino families will have money to curb the domino effect on increasing costs of living expenses.

Falling wages, more expensive food (August 2023)

September 5, 2023

Prices have increased in August and are still going up. With no proper regulation, insufficient or no direct support for small producers and no corresponding improvement in consumers’ purchasing power, things may be worse in September.

Gov’t can mitigate oil price hikes by scrapping fuel taxes

August 8, 2023

The Marcos Jr administration can moderate the impact of oil price hikes on millions of Filipinos by scrapping excise and value-added taxes for petroleum products.