
Urgent priorities

July 2, 2022

Marcos Jr has not been very specific about his plans for the economy. Still, it is already clear that his administration will continue the Duterte legacy and failed neoliberal policies instead of reforming them.

Political sinfulness of the 2022 presidentiables (Disinformation)

April 9, 2022

The May 2022 national elections are a month away. Who among the leading presidential candidates will most likely bring into office the age-old political sin of the 21st century problem of massive disinformation?

Political sinfulness of the 2022 presidentiables (Authoritarianism)

April 9, 2022

The May 2022 national elections are a month away. Who among the leading presidential candidates will most likely bring into office the age-old political sins?

Political sinfulness of the 2022 presidentiables (Corruption)

April 9, 2022

The May 2022 national elections are a month away. Who among the leading presidential candidates will most likely bring into office the age-old political sins?

Political sinfulness of the 2022 presidentiables (Dynasty)

April 9, 2022

The May 2022 national elections are a month away. Who among the leading presidential candidates will most likely bring into office the age-old political sins?

Political sinfulness of the 2022 presidentiables

April 9, 2022

Who among the leading presidential candidates will most likely bring into office the age-old political sins?

Marcos Neoliberal Policies and Economic Collapse

February 25, 2022

The neoliberal policies started under the duress of Martial Law combined with the massive debt willingly lent by creditors and political upheaval to cause the severe economic crisis in the waning years of the regime. The administrations that followed kept up the momentum of destructive “free market” reforms and economic troubles.

Hidden ill-gotten wealth makes Marcoses richest in Philippines

September 21, 2021

How have the Marcoses been able to be so politically influential even long after being driven out of Malacañang in disgrace in 1986? The failure to recover their stolen loot counts for a lot.

Golden years?: The real long-lasting economic damage wrought by Marcos

September 21, 2021

The Marcos administration was notorious for world-beating cronyism and corruption. But this is not enough to fully explain the worst economic collapse in Philippine history and continued decline long after the dictatorship was overthrown.