Science of change

October 16, 2016

by IBON Foundation

As they become more scientific, organic farming practicioners learn to be more observant, inquisitive and critical of their context and social issues that affect the agriculture sector, their communities, and the whole society. Aside from the practice of collective work that has brought back cooperation among farmers, the increased social awareness has also weakened the individualism entrenched in chemical farming and has reinforced the concern for the collective over the individual.

This heightened socialization and politicization also debunks the romanticized notion that organic farming is about ‘going back to nature’ as though the individual farm becomes unconcerned to the outside world.

The consistent practice of sustainable agriculture has also brought on the science of change in a way that the increased social awareness of the farmers and advocates is moving them on to act for change. Organic farming capacitates the practicioners to study the laws of nature, take control of the land and other natural and genetic resources, be in conrol with their production system, and learn ways to change their context. (Green Works: The viability of organic farming in the Philippines, IBON, 2014)

Organic products and photos on exhibit; petition-signing to support organic farming and food for all
October 22, 2016 9am onwards
Department of Agrarian Reform Gymnasium